Wednesday 7 March 2012

Social Media's Power- Kony 2012

If you have been on any form of social media today it is likely that you would have heard the word, "KONY". A film created by invisible children that aids to make Joseph Kony, a Uganadan guerrilla group leader, has spread across various social media platforms, dominating Facebook news feeds and Twitter updates. Social media shows its power to educate, inform and hopefully liberate.

"Joseph Kony has remained an elusive and terrifying figure casting a spell over first Uganda, then Sudan and the Central African Republic, and now the Democratic Republic of Congo" 
The Deadly Cult of Joseph Kony

The 30 minute film attempts to make Joseph Kony famous, not as a celebrity but to create awareness for the horrors he has committed and hopefully lead to his arrest. It's been suggested that as many as 20,000 children have been abducted from their homes and have been forced to commit horrendous crimes. Leader of the Lord's Resistance Army he has claimed he will use the ten commandments to liberate Uganda, as one girl who had been captured by the LRA suggests his followers see him as a "supernatural being. He has a power over them." Kony is seen to be one of the most hated and wanted men on earth, the power of social media has arguably increased this status. Before today I would ask how many people knew about Kony's atrocities? Social Media has educated us on such an important subject. People need to know  what this man and his army are doing, social media is providing the ideal platform to inform the public. 

Some may criticise social media, saying it is a waste of time but Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and a whole host of other platforms have demonstrated the positive change communication can make. With figures like Kony, awareness is key, social media reaches out to millions in seconds, you're just one click away from learning about the dreadful acts of Kony and his followers. Lets hope that the power of social media can raise awareness acting as a catalyst for Kony's arrest but also be used a tool for other similar situations across the world.

Please share this video with as many people as possible. Social Media makes it easy.

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